
The border between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, or strait between Africa and Europe. The distance as the crow flies is approximately 20km. There is only one country in the World that has the runway through which the civilians can pass. Even cross one of the main streets – Winston Churchill Avenue. As soon as it is prominently off „The Rock“ or „Monkey Hill“ (426 m).

„There is only one European colony of monkeys.“

There is only one European colony of monkeys. They belong to the species “magot tailless” (Macaca sylvanus). There are different legends  about how they got there. Locals have their very own legend saying that Gibraltar will remain British until the monkeys will live there.


Top of the Monkey hill

Top of the Monkey hill

To get to the top of the rock you can use the Cablecar like we did. Another possibility is to drive up there to see the apes living in the wild. Below us, like a snake, there was a rippled narrow road for cars and minibuses. It was really nice to look at, because as soon as any car slowed down, monkeys immediately started jumping over. When no one moves that way, these „furry bandits“ are just lying on the hot road and waiting for their victims. Feeding is prohibited here and you need to really pay attention. The risk of being „assaulted“ by monkeys is more than probable.




When weather conditions are ideal, it is possible to get a unique view of the three countries (England, Spain, Morocco), and the dark blue sea. The settlement of the peninsula is almost throughout its territory, but it is the most densely populated northern and eastern boundary with the airport with a big boat harbor. On the south side you can get along the coast or through the tunnel, which is pierced through the rock. Here you will find a very nice tourist attraction of Europa Point Light Beacon and a beautiful view of the sea and the African coast. The eastern coast is the gradual access to the sea and three beaches – Eastern Beach, Catalan Bay, Sandy Bay. These parts are connected by a path that is a sort of a circle around the rocks. It’s quite a lot of foot traffic.


Africa view from Gibraltar

Africa view from Gibraltar

Here works also a bus service, but if you aren´t on time pressure, you can get by walking. From the city also boat trips operate out to the sea, where you can watch wild dolphins that leap and chase as native artists alongside the ship.

 „If you ask someone for help or advice, they are very helpful.“

People are friendly in Gibraltar. If you ask someone for help or advice, they are very helpful. If they can, they will; but if it’s over their limits certainly to advise you, they will introduce you to someone else who will surely help. I expected there a problem with the English language, but what I was very pleasantly surprised about was the fact of how natural and almost identical their English accent was – so British. Among the most popular vehicles are cars together with motorcycles or scooters. Gibraltar is one of the few countries where you drive on the right side.


Spain view from Gibraltar

Spain view from Gibraltar

The security here oversees local police (RGP – Royal Gibraltar Police), which has been operating for nearly two centuries. It is the oldest police in the community of nations outside the United Kingdom. Their uniform is also rather typical for England. Worth mentioning also that the Gibraltar issue second oldest newspaper written in English, which is published 6 days a week.


Gibraltar has a lot to offer! Who does not like a misty rainy English weather, let them try to look at the „Monkey Hill“.


You can check out more photos from Gibraltar and Spain here.