
Slovensky Raj National Park

Od |2017-06-26T18:36:26+00:0025 mája, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Slovenský Raj Slovenský Raj Beautiful nature, many kinds of flora and fauna.  This is National Park. It is located on north east of Slovakia. From whole country is a very good connection. You can take a bus or train to Spišská Nová Ves and one from many entrances is close. Our starting point was from Čingov village, which is distant only 10 minutes with a car from train station in Spišská Nová Ves. Around this National Park is many form of accomodations [...]

Bratislava night photo hunting

Od |2016-02-05T09:11:42+00:0023 februára, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Bratislava at night Short photo reportage from capital of Slovakia. On these pictures you can find something of the city´s beauty. Here are attached few topics from history or new architecture. For example Saint Martin Church, Castle, Old Jewish part, The Bridge of Slovak National Uprising, Old building of Slovak National Theatre, Main Square, Apolo Bridge, Hodžovo Square, Danube River, Post Street and ice Rink after reconstruction where was World championship in Ice Hockey in year 2011. This game is very popular [...]

Taroko National Park

Od |2017-06-26T18:40:03+00:009 februára, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Taroko - The Marble Gorge   Place where God was born. It is one from eight national parks in Taiwan. His name Taroko is originated from the word "beautiful" in the "Truku" domestic language. This park is beginning with the main gate which is very close to the Pacific ocean. Then step by step sinuous roads continue higher to mountains. In this area is ample of marble. That is the reason why it is sometimes called "The Marble Gorge".   [...]

Prague Photoreportage

Od |2016-02-05T09:19:01+00:002 februára, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Prague - Czech Republic The city of Prague is a capital of Czech Republic. Population is approximately 1250000 people. Across this beautiful city is flowing the river Vltava. Watersides is connected with more bridges but my favorite is Charles Bridge. Exactly from this place is our photoreportage. All pictures are in black and white mode because this place evoke to me big part from history. Enjoy it!                           [...]

Slovenia trip – The power of nature

Od |2017-06-26T18:51:33+00:0012 mája, 2013|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Slovenia. Trip to the part of Ex-Yugoslavia Slovenia trip Before the leaving of a country, where in the 90th last century, the civil war raged, I have to confess, that I doubt a little, if it will have anything for us to offer.  Otherwise it is more than 20 years, but many times it is seen in many places and countries till now, the consequences of military conflicts. Now I am thinking about the architecture, or the impact on our environment. About the indelible scars, [...]

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